Paper Embroidery ATC Cards

After my introduction to paper embroidery I just had to play around with it some more to see what I could come up with. As I like to work with small items I started with ATC cards.

original posting date – February 25/2008

Paper Embroidery Geisha ATC Card

On Saturday’s shopping trip I checked out variegated embroidery thread and then had to figure out a use for it. Then I remembered that I had this simple graphic of a geisha head that I had used before. So I stroked it in Photoshop and then used my new thread to create this ATC card.

Paper Embroidery Elephant ATC

I just had to try a more complicated design to use with my paper embroidery and this is what I ended up with. A very cool looking elephant is the result.

paper embroidery elephant atc card paper embroidery geisha atc card
original posting date – February 28/2008

Paper Embroidery Teddy Bear ATC

After creating the elephant I decided I had to create my design differently and used this teddy bear to practice. I created circles and ovals and then outlined them. Next I removed the parts that overlapped and printed it on paper.

Now this is the way to go as the stitching was now very easy and straight forward.

Paper Embroidery Tshirt ATC

Working on a rectangular design turned out to be quite simple also. All I had to do was pay attention on where the threads would go outside the design and stop there and then use a different starting point.
paper embroidery tshirt atc card paper embroidery teddy bear atc card

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